Create a ODBC DSN:

A Data Source Name (DSN) is used to provide a connection to a database through a ODBC driver on Windows hosting plans. The connection is an easy way to reference all of the information needed to connect to a database in your web application. e.g. IP address, username and password. Depending on the database or programming language you may or may not need to create an ODBC DSN. 


Scripting Languages: 

ASP/ASP.NET: Create a DSN using your Control Panel or connect to it directly using an ASP connection string and the connection information for the database. Please be sure to use the "internal" IP address. 

Cold Fusion: Cold Fusion DSN's can be created form the Control Panel. However, you will need to use the Cold Fusion DSN tool instead of the ODBC DSN tool. They are both found in the same place. A ColdFusion DSN cannot currently be created to connect to a MySQL database, although the option may appear. 

PHP: Create a DSN using your Control Panel or connect to it directly using an PHP connection string and the connection information for the database. Please be sure to use the "internal" IP address. 


Databases Notes: 

MS Access: We recommend that you create a blank MS Access DB using the Database Management tool in the control panel. This will place a blank MS Access DB in the DB folder above the WWWROOT folder in FTP. At this point you can upload and overwrite with your own DB of the same name or use the blank DB. We suggest this procedure so your DB is recorded in the Control Panel in the vent of a problem. 

MS SQL: When connecting to a MS SQL DB using a direct connection (NO ODBC DSN) you will need to specify the appropriate INTERNAL IP address in your connection string. Otherwise, add an ODBC DSN. Even when connecting by a DSN, please be sure to include your username and password in your connection string. 

MS SQL: When connecting to a MySQL DB using a direct connection (NO ODBC DSN) you will need to specify the appropriate INTERNAL IP address in your connection string. Otherwise, add an ODBC DSN. Even when connecting by a DSN, please be sure to include your username and password in your connection string. 


IP Addresses:

SEE: Important IP Addresses 


To create a DSN using your Control Panel:

(Windows hosting plans only)

  1. Login to 'Account Center'.
  2. Click 'Manage Hosting Account'.
  3. Click on hosting plan.
  4. Click 'ODBC DSNs'.
  5. Click 'Create ODBC DSN'.
  6. Enter DSN.
  7. Click 'Save'.

 NOTE: Only databases created in your Control Panel can be used to create a DSN.




SEE ALSO: Database Knowledge base Articles | "Important IP Addresses" knowledge base article

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