Here are the steps for making a 301 or 302 redirect users from one domain to another. It is often...
What is a sub domain and how to add one to your Windows or Linux hosting account. A subdomain is...
All EPhost web hosting packages include the ability to host multiple domains. Based on your...
Ephost Windows and Linux Hosting Plans Control Panels allow you to specify Custom Error pages...
DNS stands for Domain Name System, which is the largest digital database in the world,...
Every domain hosted on the Internet is assigned an IP address. Some sites are assigned a...
At EPhost, you have the ability add and edit the default document(s) for your websites. A...
Enabling directory listings for a website folder. Web servers look for specific files when...
A domain alias is the full domain name that will alias the main hosted domain for an account....
EPhost has many programming and scripting languages available through it's hosting plans. Our...
Having the ability to manipulate files and directories on the web server can be done almost...
Using ISAPI rewrite v3 to point a sub-domain to a sub-directory: ISAPI Filtering /...
MIME types specify how a web browser should handle certain types of files. For example, the...
Each file and directory (folder) in your account has permissions which control who can read,...
EPhost works hard to ensure that our Control Panels, Statistics and Web based email...
PHP (recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely-used open source...
EPhost Windows Hosting clients who are users of ASP, can enable or disable the use of Parent...
You can password protect folders in your website from un-authorized visitors. Create Secure...
We all know the importance of testing your site after a migration to your hosting account....
The Windows Hosting Plan Control Panel supports the ability to add virtual directories to a...
If you have a need to redirect your entire website to another hosted domain, without having to...
Web Schedules / Scheduled Tasks provides you the ability to easily schedule a recurring task...
Whether you are an experienced web designer or a novice, website templates are a great way to...
ASP.NET 3.5 is only an extension to the ASP.NET 2.0 framework library. By selecting ASP.NET...