Enable Reselling Domain Names (Registrations)
Reselling Domain Names (Registrations) EPHost Resellers can offer domain registration...
Extra Features Notification
Extra Feature Notification This page gives an example 'Extra Feature Notification' for...
Over Usage Diskspace Notification
Over Usage Diskspace Notification This page gives an example 'Over Usage Diskspace...
Payment Receipts
Payment Receipts This page gives an example 'Payment Receipt' for resellers to use in the...
Reselling Domain Names
As an EPhost Reseller you have several options for reselling domain names to your customers. This...
Suspending Accounts
Resellers, if you change a User's status (not the domain status) to "Suspended" then it will...
Welcome Message
Welcome Message This page gives an example 'Welcome Message' for resellers to use in the Helm...