3rd Jun 2009
Server RAM Upgrade!
We understand the inconvenience of these upgrades, but we feel that they are necessary to continually provide our customers with the best level of service possible.
If you have any additional questions please contact support@ephost.com.
10th May 2009
EPhost News: EP19 Server Upgrade
For additional information or to determine if your website will be upgraded please see:http://www.ephost.com/support/index.php?_m=news&_a=viewnews&newsid=78No downtime is expected during the upgrade. No IP changes will be necessary. We will inform you when the upgrade is complete. We highly suggest you refrain from making any file changes ...
10th May 2009
EPhost News: EP7 Server Upgrade Complete!
We will begin the upgrade of EP11 Monday, May 11th at 6:00pm PST. As with all of the server upgrades, FTP on EP11 will be unavailable for 24 hours to maintain data integrity between these two systems during the upgrade.For additional information or to determine if your website will be upgraded please ...
8th May 2009
EP24 Server Upgrade Complete!
We will begin the upgrade of EP7 Saturday, May 9th at 6:00pm PST. As with all of the server upgrades, FTP on EP7 will be unavailable for 24 hours to maintain data integrity between these two systems during the upgrade.For additional information or to determine if your website will be upgraded please ...