If you are transferring any domain name (.com, .net, .biz, .info, .org, .name) the Authorization Code (EPP code, or Transfer Secret, or Domain Secret) is mandatory.

This code must be obtained from your current registrar prior to transfer.  If you don't know your current registrar you could look them up to jog your memory at ICANN WHOIS or Contact our support Department for assistance.

Please contact the support department of your current registrar for instructions on how to obtain the transfer secret for your domain.

HINT: It is best to have your Contact information, specifically your email information current on your registrar information for your domain name.  When Sending the Secret or EPP code, this is the address that will be used.


TRANSFER TO EPhost - Be sure your domain is UNLOCKED prior to transferring and that you have the EPP code when placing an order for hosting with EPHost.

TRANSFER OUT of EPhost - Contact EPhost support if you need assistance. Any change in information will cause an automatic 60 domain lock. We are happy to assist with helping you unlock your domain and get your EPP code.



ICANN has revised their Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy (IRTP) in the efforts to reduce the risk of domain hijacking and/or fraud. It is required now that domain registrants must complete additional steps when transferring a domain name to another party.  Any routine change to the domain name registrant contact information will also trigger the following.

  • This policy comes into effect any time a gTLD domain registrant’s first name, last name, or email address is changed
  • Whenever a change is made, both the current registrant and the new registrant must confirm the change (even if those two are actually the same person or entity)
  • Both registrants will receive notification that the change is pending, and be given the ability to decline the change
  • After the change has been confirmed, the domain cannot be transferred to a new registrar for 60 days*

If either the new or the current registrant rejects the change via the email sent, or if they fail to confirm in a certain time period, the transfer or change will be canceled. 


What does this look like for the END USER?

  • When a change to the name (first or last) or email for a gTLD domain, an email to confirm the change will be sent to the current email on file. If transferring the domain to another registrant, the new person will also have to confirm the change. If that change is not confirmed, the name or email address will stay the same.
  • Any time the registrant confirms a change to the name (first or last) or email address for a gTLD domain, that domain will be locked into the same registrar for the next 60 days.


Also See: Domain & DNS KB articles | Email Settings POP3 / IMAP | Check email online | Email Troubleshooting | Adding an email to your hosting account WINDOWS / LINUX

Contact Support

If you are still having issues, please contact us for further help.
1-877-EPHOST1 | support@ephost.com



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