An MX record is used to specify a mail server responsible for a domain name. You can have multiple MX records pointing to different mail servers which are placed in a priority order in your DNS records. At some point you may need to edit your MX records. Usually this is the case if you are hosting your own mail server or using a service such as Google Mail (not just While we recommend contacting to make any MX Record changes, here are some details on how to make the change yourself.

Important: If you are not using our email service please contact to have us remove email service from your domain so there will not be a conflict locally you'll want to backup your email (download a copy of your messages) before contacting us.



Using our DNS Manager in the control panel you can edit your DNS settings. Modifying your MX Record(s) settings is a two-part process. First, you need to create an "A" record to the IP address of an actual mail server. Second, you need to create/edit the actual "MX" record.

Please refer to the DNS Manager knowledge Based Article if you are having trouble finding or editing domain name records in general.


Part One: The "A" Record.

You need to create an "A" record that refers to the IP address of a mail server. You will use this "A" record in your MX record below.

Host Name: This should be something like "mail" as in "". It can be anything you want. Disregard the trailing period if you see it.

IP Address:  This is the IP address of your mail server.

For example, a proper A record looks like:

Host Name: mail
IP Address:


Part Two: The "MX" Record

The MX record simply refers to an "A" record within your domain which points to the IP address of your mail server.

Host Name:  Should always the "@" sign. The @ sign simply refers back to your domain.

Mail Server Address:  Should refer to an another DNS record on the same domain you created or will create. Like "mail" as in "". Only put "mail" as the system will add the domain for you. Do not put the quotes.

Priority:  This is the priority this MX record has over others. The lower the number the higher priority. e.g. 10 has priority over 21.

For example, a proper DNS record looks like:

Host Name: @
Mail Server Address: mail
Priority: 21


Also See: Domain & DNS KB articles | Email Settings POP3 / IMAP | Check email online | Email Troubleshooting | Adding an email to your hosting account WINDOWS / LINUX

Contact Support

If you are still having issues, please contact us for further help.
1-877-EPHOST1 |



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